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CFP – Forgotten Journalists

  • 30 avril 2024
A conference dedicated to the forgotten journalists will be held in Ghent. The call for participation is open.

By focusing on lived experiences and professional identities from a historical and decentered perspective, we want to make visible those whose work has been underestimated, or whose journalistic (or partly journalistic) careers have been neglected.

We propose two different ways to decenter the history of journalism :

Finding forgotten or invisible journalists
We invite contributors to present cases of journalists who have been forgotten or have remained invisible in the studies about their field of expertise and form of journalism.

Rediscovering the forgotten journalistic activities of public figures
Many authors, politicians, activists and other public figures pursued prolific careers as journalists. The journalistic activities in their careers are often forgotten. The journalistic careers of plenty of prominent individuals remain to be re-evaluated. Studying these figures as journalists may both result in a more complete understanding of their careers and help to re-evaluate the role of journalism as an outlet of political and social activism.


Both senior and junior scholars are encouraged to apply. We intend to provide travel grants for two non-European, early career researchers. If you want to be considered for a travel grant, please state so when submitting your abstract.

Please send your abstract for a 20 min presentation and a short biography to before 30 August 2024.




Organizing committee

Pr. Dr. Florence Le Cam (ULB)
Dr. Brecht Deseure (KBR-ULB)
Dr. Christoph De Spiegeleer (Liberas-VUB-UGent)
Pr. Dr. Marianne Van Remoortel (UGent)


Scientific committee

Pr. Dr. Juliette de Maeyer (Université de Montréal)
Pr. Dr. Fionnuala Dillane (University College Dublin)
Pr. Dr. Manon Libert (Université de Mons)
Pr. Dr. Will Mari (Louisiana State University)
Pr. Dr. Pierre N’Sana (Université de Kinshasa)
Pr. Dr. Thomas Smits (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Pr. Dr. Marie-Eve Thérenty (Université de Montpellier)
Pr. Dr. Pierre Van den Dungen (ULB)
Dr. Cedric Van Dijck (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Pr. Dr. Christophe Verbruggen (UGent


Organized by : CAMille (Centre d’archives sur les médias et l’information, ULB-KBR), LaPIJ (Laboratoire des Pratiques et Identités Journalistiques-ULB), Liberas (Heritage Centre for the History of the Freedom Ideal, Ghent), Ghent University (UGent), Royal Library of Belgium (KBR), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)